Cy22 Scs Logitech Ghg Verification

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SCS Global Services
GHG Inventory Veri?ca on Report

Verification Review of the CY2022 Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Inventory for Logitech
Prepared for:

Date Completed:
June 22, 2023

Date Revised:

September 1, 2023

Prepared by:
Dave Jonas | Manager, Climate Services
SCS Global Services

2000 Powell Street, Ste. 600, Emeryville, CA 94608 USA
+1.510.452.8000 main | +1.510.452.8001 fax

Verification Review of the CY2022
GHG Emissions Inventory for Logitech | CONFIDENTIAL

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduc on ............................................................................................................................................ 2
2.0 Scope and Objec ve ............................................................................................................................... 2
Objec ve ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Materiality ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Criteria................................................................................................................................................... 3
Veri?ca on Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 3
3.0 Veri?ca on Opinion ............................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 Veri?ca on Procedures .......................................................................................................................... 4
Veri?ed Purchases of O?sets or Removals ........................................................................................... 5
5.0 Assurance Findings ................................................................................................................................. 6

Version 2-0 (July 2022) | ? SCS Global Services

Page 1 of 6

Verification Review of the CY2022
GHG Emissions Inventory for Logitech | CONFIDENTIAL

1.0 Introduc on
Logitech's scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions inventory for CY2022 was reviewed for conformance with the
World Resource Ins tute's (WRI's) Greenhouse Gas Protocol1 and ISO 14064-32. The scope 1, 2, and 3
GHG inventory report, calcula on worksheets and suppor ng documenta on were provided for the veri?ca on review. The ?ndings of the review are intended to provide limited assurance that Logitech's

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