SCS Global Services
GHG Inventory Verification Report
Verification Review of the CY23 Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Inventory
Prepared for:
Date Completed:
November 15, 2024
Prepared by:
Isabel Glenn |Technical Specialist I, Climate Services
SCS Global Services
2000 Powell Street, Ste. 600, Emeryville, CA 94608
+1.510.452.8000 main | +1.510.452.8001 fax
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Verification Opinion ................................................................................................................................ 4
4.0 Verification Procedures........................................................................................................................... 5
5.0 Assurance Findings.................................................................................................................................. 7
Appendix A: Logitech Documents Reviewed ................................................................................................ 8
Appendix B: List of Logitech Major Offices for CY23 .................................................................................... 9
Page 1 of 9
1.0 Introduction
Logitech's scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory for CY23 was reviewed for conformance with the World Resource Institute's (WRI's) Greenhouse Gas Protocol1. The scope 1, 2, and
3 GHG inventory report, calculation worksheets, and supporting documentation were provided for the verification review. The findings of the review are intended to provide limited assurance that Logitech's
GHG emissions are in conformance with the relevant requirements and guidance of the GHG Protocol.
The review focused on the integrity of the input activity data provided by Logitech, the GHG emission estimation methodology, and the accuracy of calculated results. The verification is based on a review of the documentation provided by Logitech, refer to Appendix A for a complete list of the documents reviewed.
2.0 Scope
The objective of this verification is to provide interested parties with an objective, independent judgment regarding the information, data, and emission estimates for Logitech's GHG inventory for
CY23. Specifically,