
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

To Business Partners

Request of Understanding and Cooperation for
Bribery Prevention Policy of Ricoh Group
In the Ricoh Group CSR Charter we set that in order for the Ricoh Group to fully discharge its corporate social responsibilities (CSR) from a consistent global perspective, we must conduct our business with the proper social awareness, understanding and being compliant with both the letter and the spirit of national laws and the rules of international conduct.
In light of the above policy and the global drive to tighten regulations against bribery, recently the
Ricoh Group has newly established the Ricoh Group Standard for Bribery Prevention based on the
Ricoh Group Code of Conduct. Guidance is being provided to officers and employees of Ricoh
Group companies via thorough instructions on best practice to prevent bribery.
We believe that, in order to ensure the business activities of Ricoh Group are conducted according to the above policy, the understanding and cooperation of our business partners on the bribery prevention policy of the Ricoh Group will be essential.
Please read the attached guidelines, and support the bribery prevention policy of the Ricoh Group.

April, 2023

Akira Oyama
CEO, Ricoh Group


Purpose and Scope
The Ricoh Group will ensure compliance with laws and regulations prohibiting corruption and bribery that are applied in any of the countries and regions in which the Ricoh Group operates business (including where laws of any country are applied extraterritorially).
The purpose of these Guidelines is to ask business partners of the Ricoh Group to support the policy of the Ricoh
Group, and to ensure that our business partners do not engage in bribery for the benefit of the Ricoh Group.
These Guidelines are aimed at our business partners who perform services for the benefit of or on behalf of the
Ricoh Group.
For example, in cases where agencies, distributors/dealers, brokers, consultants, joint venture partners,
contractors, suppliers, etc. of any Ricoh Group Company act on behalf of the Ricoh Group Company, those business partners will be in the scope of these Guidelines.

Definition of Terms
The definitions of the terms used in these Guidelines are as follows:
"Ricoh Group" refers to Ricoh Company, Limited and related companies included in consolidated financial statements of Ricoh Company, Limited, and "Ricoh Group Company" refers to an individual company in the
Ricoh Group.
"Public Officials or Foreign Public Officials" refers to persons that assume any legislative, administrative,
judicial or other public function (including candidates therefor), officials of any governmental body, personnel of any company or other organization owned or operated by any government, political parties and party leaders, of any country or region, and personnel of any public international organization that consists of countries and/or regions or of the governments of countries and/or regions.
"Facilitation Payment" refers to the giving of any money, gift, etc. for the purpose of facilitating any everyday operation of a Public Official or Foreign Public Official, such as:
- Processing procedures by administrative authorities, including permissions and approvals and visa issuances and

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