Solutions For Student Focus

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Solutions for
Student Focus
Overcome a school day of distractions and help drive student engagement.

When edtech is built with students in mind,
learners are more focused and engaged.
74% of educators say students' level of physical comfort while using the right tools  including mice, headsets, and keyboards  impacts classroom engagement levels.1 Logitech partners with hundreds of students and teachers to develop edtech designed for the realities of the distracted classroom. Whether it is filtering out background noise, increasing physical comfort, or supporting voice amplification, the right solutions can drive meaningful impact and outcomes.

The average classroom can be as loud as 77 decibels  twice as much as what the World Health
Organization recommends.2 And 40% of students say the noise is so great they can't understand what their teacher says.3 Empower students to hear and be heard with headsets.


P/N: 981-000999 | MSRP: .99
Rugged and durable with crystal clear audio

P/N: 981-001383, 981-001367, 981-001378,
981-001362, 981-001389, 981-001372 | MSRP: .99
Designed for sustained focus and comfort for learners

60% of children between 10-17 years old report discomfort during laptop use, without companion tools.4 Support student stamina throughout the school day by equipping students with edtech solutions that support physical comfort.


P/N: 920-002478 | MSRP: .99
Easy-to-use plug-andplay design

P/N: 920-009270 | MSRP: .99
Wireless USB or Bluetooth? connection with Chrome OSTM layout



P/N (Blue): 910-002650 | MSRP: .99
Wireless freedom and precision

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