Rally Bar Huddle

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Rally Bar Huddle
All-in-one video bar for small rooms and interactive flat panel display

Designed to deliver virtual engagement with ease, Rally Bar Huddle is quick to set up in person or remotely, simple to manage, and easy to integrate with your existing video conferencing solutions through CollabOS.
Rally Bar Huddle works with most video platforms and interactive flat panels,
ensuring an effortless experience wherever learning and collaboration happens.
Combine Rally Bar Huddle with Tap IP and Tap Scheduler to make it easy to schedule, join, and participate.




AI video intelligence,
advanced sound pickup, noise suppression, and ongoing software improvements provide a clear and natural video experience.

Rally Bar Huddle works with most video platforms,
ensuring an effortless experience wherever learning happens.

Designed to deliver video meetings with ease, Rally Bar Huddle is quick to set up, simple to manage, and easy to integrate with
Tap IP through CollabOS. Plus, use the included Multi Mount to mount Rally Bar Huddle one of three ways; on the wall, on the table, or above the interactive flat panel display. Plus, use
Rally Bar Huddle as a meeting room appliance, in USB mode connected to a meeting room PC, or connect via laptop.

At Logitech, we are curious lifelong learners, constantly questioning and inventing. We are relentless in our pursuit of tools that make an impact. This passion drives us every day to design innovative products that create transformational and accessible experiences for students, teachers and schools. Supporting education is inherent to our mission as we know that today's students are tomorrow's innovators.

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