C505e Datasheet

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



Step up from built-in laptop optics with the Logitech? C505e business webcam that delivers crisp, smooth and colorful widescreen HD 720p video at a budget-friendly price point that makes office life much easier.

C505e provides a 60? diagonal field of view, fixed focus and auto light correction that adjusts illumination of most spaces; one omnidirectional mic supports clear conversation up to 3 meters away.
The extra-long USB-A cable and universal clip provides a wide range of versatile mounting options. Secure it on a screen or mount it up to 7 ft
(2m) away from your computer.
C505e works with all popular video applications, including Microsoft?
Teams, Skype!" for Business, Google Voice and Meet, Zoom? and others to ensure compatibility and seamless integration in the workplace.



HD 720p widescreen video: A 60? diagonal field of view along with HD 720p/30
fps resolution, fixed focus and auto light correction helps adjust to most lighting.


Mono, long-range microphone: The single, omnidirectional mic is engineered to support clear, natural conversation up to 3 meters away, even in busy office environments.


Extra-long USB-A cable extends setup options: With its USB cable and universal clip, position it securely on a laptop or external screen, or mount it up to
7 ft (2 m) away from your computer.


Supports resolutions 720p (HD) @30fps to best support the quality offered by your application and monitor.

60? diagonal fixed field of view (dFOV)
RightLight!" 2 auto light correction for clear image in various lighting environments ranging from low light to direct

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