Headset Portfolio

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Logitech business headsets - wired
Hybrid work requires solutions designed for all types of users and work environments. Regardless of your style or connectivity preference, Logitech business headset portfolio has a device that works the way you do. Logitech headsets and earbuds are designed to work seamlessly with leading video conferencing platforms, giving you an enhanced video collaboration experience.

Product Name


Teams version


UC version

(USB-A or USB-C)


6.2 ft / 1.9 m cable length

6.9 ft / 2.1 m cable length

System compatibility
30 mm driver with Dynamic EQ

32 mm driver with Dynamic EQ

Noise isolation

(3.5mm jack1, USB-C, USB-A2)


4.8 ft / 1.45 m cable length

6.3 ft / 1.9 m cable length

6 mm driver with Dynamic EQ

40 mm driver with Dynamic EQ

Dual MEMS mic array with DSP

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