Valeo Business Partner Code Of Conduct En 05 2024

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Valeo Business Partner Code of Conduct | 2024



Dear Business Partners,
At Valeo, integrity, respect, and ethical behavior are not mere aspirations, they are Valeo Virtues, core principles that guide our day-to-day activities around the world. We take immense pride in our commitment to doing business ethically and lawfully. But our commitment does not end there  what we demand of ourselves, we also expect of you, our valued Business Partners. That is why we developed the Valeo Business Partners Code of
As a dedicated participant in the United Nations Global Compact for nearly two decades, Valeo embraces the universal principles of human rights, fair labor, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. These principles are reflected throughout Valeo's Code of Business Ethics, which describes the policies, principles, and laws to which
Valeo adheres.
Acting with integrity is essential to preserving the trust and confidence that our stakeholders have placed in Valeo,
including employees, customers, shareholders, and government officials. Likewise, we choose to work only with
Business Partners in whom we can place our trust and confidence. You can do so by reading, understanding, and adhering to the Valeo Business Partners Code of Conduct, which is mandatory for all of our suppliers, agents,
intermediaries, brokers, service providers, resellers, distributors, licensees, consultants, and joint venture partners and their personnel assigned to a Valeo project.

What does this mean from a practical perspective? It means that you must take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption; uphold human rights, fair labor practices, and individual integrity; maintain a safe workplace; support environmental stewardship; engage in fair sales and marketing practices; comply with confidentiality, competition, and intellectual property protections; and refrain from any unlawful behavior whenever and wherever you are working with or for Valeo. There is no commercial opportunity, no matter how big or small, that is exempt from these universal principles.
It also means that you must speak up  if you see or suspect unethical behavior. We take all allegations of misbehavior seriously,
and we prohibit any form of retaliation against those who raise concerns in good faith.
Please take the time to read this Code carefully, and refer back to it as we continue working together. I assure you that our partnership will be far more productive and beneficial  and ultimately more profitable  if we see eye-to-eye on the principles described in the following pages.
Thank you and we look forward to working together.
Thank you.

Christophe P?rillat
Chief Executive Officer

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