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Project name:
Integrated modular steering switches and platform technology developed at Valeo
Project description:
Valeo Auto-Electric Magyarorsz?g Kft. from Veszpr?m has won a HUF 460 million nonrefundable grant from the NRDI Fund, within the framework of the 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI
- "Support for Market-Driven Research-Development and Innovation Projects"
programme, for the implementation of its HUF 1.130 billion R&D project.
Within the framework of the project, Valeo Auto-Electric Hungary Ltd., a member of one of the world's leading automotive supplier groups, will develop a complex steering switch module based on a modular technology unique in the commercial vehicle business of the automotive industry. The pilot development will result in the development of 2 new modular steering couplings with high market potential for commercial vehicle production, a first for the entire industry at international level, and the creation of a new platform technology on which they are based.
During 21 years of presence in the Hungarian market and 18 years of R&D activities,
the company has created a highly positioned R&D organization, both in terms of human resources and infrastructure, capable of independent product development. 35 R&D
staff and 4 R&D support staff will be involved in this pilot development from a pool of professionals with extensive experience in developing products that are successful in the international market for the full 36 months of the project.
The planned 2 products and platform technology represent a unique development goal in the international context, as no such product and technology is currently available in the commercial vehicle business of the automotive industry. The switch systems currently used in production are classic rocker switch products with mechanical contact and simple electronics, developed 15-20 years ago. The rapid development and technical innovations in passenger car production are also generating a need for development in commercial vehicle production. One of its main directions is the development of a modular coupling system, given that the commercial vehicle products currently used are made up of sub-assemblies and are not modular.
The complex steering switch module to be developed combines the clockspring (coil spring module), which is connected to the steering wheel and transmits the signal to the airbag, steering switch, steering heater and additional information;
direction indicator lever with customisable additional modules;
wiper lever with customisable retarder, DNR, direction finding function modules;
integrated angle sensor (SAS sensor).

The integration of the SAS sensor is an innovative solution in this area, allowing the mounting position of the angle sensor to be moved from the engine compartment to the passenger compartment, thus making the steering system more robust.

The product will be designed with intelligent control with software support instead of the current analogue system. From a materials technology point of view, the new products will be designed with high tensile plastics instead of the metallic materials used so far,
thus satisfying the manufacturers' desire for weight optimisation, induced by environmental concerns.
The realization of this development is the cornerstone of Valeo Auto-Electric
Magyarorsz?g Kft.'s strategic objective to establish a specialised R&D centre for the commercial vehicle market (ITC TRUCK product Line) at its Veszpr?m site, which will focus on the development of products for the commercial vehicle industry. This could lead to a further expansion of the company and its R&D activities in the light of future development projects that can be identified, thus increasing the inflow and

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