Valeo Code Of Business Ethics 2023 En

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Valeo Code of Business Ethics | 2023

Code of




Valeo Code of Business Ethics | 2023

Christophe P?rillat
Chief Executive Officer
From our humble beginnings a century ago to being a global leader in tomorrow's mobility and innovation, this amazing success story would not be possible without our unwavering commitment to the highest standards of innovation, quality, and integrity.
Society and our customers have high expectations of Valeo's ability to create leading-edge technology and to get mobility to the next level reliably and ethically. We must ensure we meet and exceed those expectations.
This is what our strategy is all about: building Valeo through innovation and integrity as the technology powerhouse. This is why we mobilize our extremely talented workforces, ecosystem, and our operational model of excellence for.
The leadership team and I strongly believe that compliance and integrity make us more agile, competitive, and desired. It earns us the respect of all our stakeholders: our customers and business partners,
governments, investors, local communities, the society at large, and of course, first and foremost, our employees, each one of us.
This Code is a declaration of our commitment. It's the essence of who we are and what is important to us. This is why we care. It has all the essential tools needed to do the right thing. Read it, use it, and keep it close. If you're unsure what to do or have questions, we are always here to help you.
I'm very proud of Valeo's heritage and the lasting legacy we're creating together. I'm excited about our bright future and our strategy to achieve it as an ethical company. Thank you for being an important part of it. Thank you for complying with our rules. Thank you for acting with integrity.

Christophe P?rillat

Chief Executive Officer

This Code is

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