M240 Wireless Mouse Business

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Logitech M240 for Business is an affordable wireless mouse featuring Logi Bolt and Silent
Touch technology. Reliable and versatile, easy to use, great for all employees.

 nterprise Secure: Connections between the mouse and Logi Bolt USB receiver are fully encrypted and FIPS secure, with a range up to 10 meters1.
 obust connection: In congested wireless environments, the Logi Bolt receiver provides robust connectivity with up to 8x lower latency2.
 uiet Clicks: Silent Touch technology reduces the mouse click noise by 90%3 for less distraction and better focus on work.
 ireless Freedom: Wireless connection is simple with the pre-paired USB receiver or Bluetooth. Get up to 18-month battery life with the included AA battery4.
 ortable and Comfortable: The compact, lightweight mouse can be taken anywhere; contoured shape is equally comfortable for both left- and righthanded employees.
 eploy and manage: Deploy and manage company-issued devices via Logitech
Sync5. Customize mouse settings with Logi Options+6. Monitor device information in Logi Tune6.
 uilt for Scale: Globally certified in 100+ countries with dedicated technical support and 2-year limited hardware warranty. Compatible with leading operating systems and platforms.
 Choice You Can Feel Good About: M240 for Business is certified carbon neutral and includes 48% certified post-consumer recycled plastic7.




Smooth optical tracking

Logi Bolt USB Receiver

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