Zone Wired Uc Datasheet

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Designed for busy open workspaces, Logitech? Zone
Wired is a USB headset that delivers premium audio and reliable call clarity with advanced noise-canceling mic technology. Additionally it is lightweight, stylish, and super comfortable for all-day use.

Zone Wired works with common calling applications across almost all platforms and operating systems. Noise-canceling dual mic technology accurately suppresses distracting sounds like keyboard clicks and nearby voices as close as 60 cm away.
Durable, reliable and simple to use with intuitive in-line controls always at your fingertips on the tangle-free cable to mute, adjust volume,
answer/end/reject calls, and play/pause music. USB-C and included
USB-A adapter ensure plug-and-play compatibility.







Ease of use

Certified for Business


Premium microphone for open office: Noise-canceling dual mic technology that accurately suppresses distracting sounds as close as 60 cm away.
Premium audio drivers: Generously-sized 40 mm drivers deliver full-bodied bass, crisp higher frequencies and incredibly low distortion.
Plug-and-play reliability: In-line controls keep call and music functions handy as USB-C and USB-A adapter (included) ensure plug-and-play compatibility.

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