Integrating Tech For Learner Success

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Integrating Technology for Learner Success

Student assessments are one of the many tools used to measure the effectiveness of learning methodologies and to gain an understanding of where students are and how best to support them. They serve several purposes and largely fall into three categories:
" Diagnostic
" Formative
" Summative

In this eBook, get a better understanding of how technology can augment existing ways to assess learning and mastery from the learner.
The information provided also applies to students who may be learning in alternative environments other than a classroom setting. In all cases, assessments are meant to be unbiased indicators of a student's academic abilities. Though there are biases that can impact any type of assessment, one of the major biases to address is cognitive fatigue.


It is an increasingly common phenomenon where overloaded cognitive engagement results in lower performance, motivation, and information processing, especially in students1. Some studies point to the particularly challenging impact of cognitive fatigue on younger students in elementary and junior high school from slowing motor skills to decreases in attention2.
Many teachers and schools opt to assess students at the beginning of the day to ensure this bias does not impact performance. There are many more factors that schools and educators can consider to reduce the risk of cognitive fatigue in students.

Distracting noise accounted for 10 points of difference on students' scores on a math test. 3



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