Deskbooking Datasheet

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Logitech Essential and Select for Flex Desks
Manage shared desk environments with Logitech service plans for flex desks.
Logitech Essential for Flex Desks and Select for Flex Desks service plans provide easy desk booking, intuitive maps, advanced management through Logitech Sync,
and comprehensive product coverage. These plans ensure a seamless and efficient workspace experience for administrators and employees.

Easy desk booking
Empower your team with easy desk booking through the
Logitech Tune app, available on both mobile and desktop.
Enable social booking features that notify employees when their favorite coworkers reserve nearby desks, fostering better team coordination and collaboration.

Enhance office navigation with intuitive, customizable maps in Logitech Tune. Help employees quickly locate desks,
teammates, and points of interest in the office. This ensures effective work and simple navigation in the office.

Management & Insights
Organize your flex desk environments and gather insights on flex desk usage in Logitech Sync. The data can help you optimize your office layouts and make informed decisions.

Coverage & support
Logitech Essential provides standard support with our standard 2-year device warranty, while Logitech Select offers
24/7 technical assistance, advanced hardware replacements,
and a Designated Service Manager. Ensure maximum uptime and rapid issue resolution to keep your office running smoothly.

Unlock more features with Logi Dock Flex
Manage device settings from your browser through
Remote UI Access, and receive automatic alerts if peripherals such as mice, keyboards, or webcams become disconnected. Logi Dock Flex ensures connectivity day after day.

Key features and product specifications
Logitech Service Plans for Flex Desks

Logitech Essential

Logitech Select

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