Ungc Letter Of Commitment June 2024

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

- .E. Ant?nio Guterres ,
-Secretary-General ,
-United Nations ,
-New York, NY 10017 ,
-USA ,
-Letter of Commitment to the United Nations Global Compact ,
-Dear Secretary-General, ,
I - , -am , -pleased , -to , -confirm , -that , -Logitech , -International , -S.A. , -supports , -the , -Ten , -Principles , -of , -the ,
-United , -Nations , -Global , -Compact , -on , -human , -rights, , -labor, , -environment, , -and , -anti-corruption. ,
-With , -this , -communication, , -we , -express , -our , -commitment , -to , -making , -the , -UN , -Global , -Compact ,
-and , -its , -principles , -part , -of , -the , -strategy, , -culture, , -and , -day-to-day , -operations , -of , -our , -company, ,
-and , -to , -engaging , -in , -collaborative , -projects , -that , -advance , -the , -broader , -development , -goals , -of ,
-the , -United , -Nations, , -particularly , -the , -Sustainable , -Development , -Goals. , -Logitech ,
-International , -S.A. , -will , -make , -a , -clear , -statement , -of , -this , -commitment , -to , -our , -stakeholders , -and ,
-the general public in its Impact Report or otherwise. ,
- e , -recognize , -that , -a , -key , -requirement , -for , -participation , -in , -the , -UN , -Global , -Compact , -is , -the ,
-annual , -submission , -of , -a , -Communication , -on , -Progress , -(CoP) , -that , -describes , -our , -efforts , -to ,
-implement , -the , -Ten , -Principles. , -We , -support , -public , -accountability , -and , -transparency , -and ,
-therefore , -commit , -to , -report , -on , -progress , -annually , -according , -to , -the , -UN , -Global , -Compact ,
-CoP Policy. This includes: ,
- , -statement , -signed , -by , -the , -Chief , -Executive , -Officer , -expressing , -continued , -support , -for ,
-%? , A
-the , -UN , -Global , -Compact , -and , -renewing , -our , -ongoing , -commitment , -to , -the , -initiative , -and ,
-its , -principles. , -This , -is , -separate , -from , -our , -initial , -letter , -of , -commitment , -to , -join , -the , -UN ,
-Global Compact. ,
-%? , -An , -annual , -Communication , -on , -Progress , -through , -which , -we , -will , -disclose , -our , -company's ,
-continuous , -efforts , -to , -integrate , -the , -Ten , -Principles , -into , -our , -business , -strategy, , -culture ,
-and , -daily , -operations, , -and , -contribute , -to , -the , -United , -Nations , -goals, , -particularly , -the ,
-Sustainable Development Goals. ,
-Sincerely, ,

- anneke Faber ,
-Chief Executive Officer ,
-June 2024 ,

- ogitech International SA ,
-Route de Pampigny 20 ,
-1143 Apples ,
-Switzerland ,
-T: +41(0)21 863 51 11 ,

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