NOE Recruiting Privacy Policy

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Nintendo of Europe SE - Recruiting Privacy Policy

Last updated: 08.2024
Nintendo of Europe SE ( Nintendo , we , us ), Goldsteinstrasse 235, 60528 Frankfurt am Main,
Germany respects your privacy rights and recognizes the importance of protecting your personal data.

Concerning the personal data which is collected in each of the following instances and except where otherwise provided herein, Nintendo is the controller within the meaning of the General Data
Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 April 2016  GDPR ).

In this Nintendo of Europe Recruiting Privacy Policy you will find information about how and for which purposes Nintendo collects and processes personal data from you during a recruiting process, in particular you will find information about:

I. General Recruiting
II.Nintendo Job Portal (the Job Portal )
Nintendo Job Portal (the Job Portal )

III. Recruiting Services


V. LinkedIn

VI. Transfer of data to third parties

VII. Your rights under the GDPR

VIII. Contact and data protection officer

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I. General Recruiting
Nintendo participates in many recruiting exhibitions and events. In the context of such events, you might provide us with documents such as your CV or your contact data so we can stay in touch with you as a potential employee or to apply directly for a job (not via our recruiting tool Job Portal ).

What personal data we collect and how data is used (purpose of processing)

If you apply for a job via our recruiting specialists at an event or if you, following an event, apply for a job, we process your data (such as name, your email address, your date of birth, your postal address and your phone number), and the documents you provided (CV, certificates, letters, including the data contained therein to your person and your qualification) as well as information and messages additionally provided by you such as your planned starting date, your period of notice or your motivation why you would like to apply, for the purposes of processing your application, including the

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