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Global Health, Safety & Security Policy
Creative, resourceful and innovative people across the globe fuel our continued success: within
Logitech, and in our supply chain. We look to safeguard the safety, health, and security of all members of the Logitech team, and help ensure employees can respond safely and creatively to the fast-paced environment of our sector, and the challenges of a competitive marketplace. Logitech contractors, indirect personnel, and others that may be impacted by our operations are also covered under the scope of this policy.
Our vision for health, safety and security is for all our Logitech Offices and activities to be managed in a manner that meets or exceeds regulatory requirements, and prioritizes the health, safety and security of all persons, who work with us directly or indirectly, and/or may be affected by our activities. We also educate, inform and influence suppliers to ensure good practice standards for health, safety and security are also followed in our supply chain.
Our governance framework to achieve this vision is founded on compliance with all relevant legal requirements, the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, the ISO 45001 standard,
and the United Nations Global Compact for our production facility. In addition to our voluntary adoption of these internationally recognized good practice standards, we make the following commitments. We will:
Identify, evaluate and manage health, safety and security risks associated with work activities to prevent injury and ill-health of our employees and all potentially impacted persons.
Drive continual improvement of health, safety and security performance and ensure compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct, ISO 45001 and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
Assess and positively influence the health, safety and security performance of contractors,
partners, vendors and suppliers to ensure they meet good practice expectations.
Manage and operate workplace facilities in compliance with legislation and maximize the safety,
health and welfare of persons working in, or visiting, those facilities.
Educate, support and collaborate with employees on health, safety and security issues, and provide appropriate resources to support and maintain robust health, safety and security management programs.
Ensure suitable personal protection equipment (PPE) is provided free of charge, where appropriate.
Establish safe operating procedures and other control measures for the handling of chemicals or hazardous substances
Evaluate, through regular reviews and audits, the continued suitability of established health,
safety and security programs to our evolving business, our overall performance, and identify target areas requiring focussed attention.
Collaborate with suppliers to ensure that they are aware of, and adhere to good practice expectations and implement training programs, where appropriate.