Slavery Human Trafficking Statement July 2024

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 57A35282-F167-489D-93E1-862E45CE5668

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act of 2015 and the
Australian Modern Slavery Act of 2018 require certain commercial organizations to transparently report their efforts to identify and eradicate slavery and human trafficking in their supply chain. We do not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in any form ( Zero Tolerance ). This statement provides an overview of the actions we have taken in the last financial year to verify the absence of forced labor, slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain. Further information is provided in our annual Impact Report.
Our Requirements
The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) is a nonprofit coalition of electronics companies, committed to supporting the rights and well-being of workers in the global electronics supply chain. As an RBA member, Logitech has adopted the RBA
Code of Conduct, including RBA requirements to prohibit use of forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor and slavery or trafficking of persons. As RBA members, we are required to implement management systems to ensure workers' rights are protected, communicate the requirements of the RBA Code to suppliers and monitor supplier conformance with the RBA Code. We work in partnership with our suppliers to implement the RBA Code as a total supply chain initiative and create an environment where workers have the right to freely choose employment. We collaborate with other RBA members to share best practices and develop and share tools and training materials to ensure effective management of slavery and human trafficking risks.
Communicating our Requirements and Raising Awareness
Our Company Code of Conduct includes a stated requirement for full compliance with applicable labor and human rights laws. Employees are contractually required to comply with the Company Code of Conduct and complete business ethics induction training and refresher training. We provide targeted training for employees with responsibility for supply chain management to ensure relevant employees can identify supply chain risks and proactively manage any such risks in accordance with our own Company Code of Conduct and the RBA Code.
Compliance with the RBA Code is a contractual requirement of our purchase agreements with Tier 1 suppliers and those suppliers are required to manage their supply chain in accordance with the RBA Code. We raise awareness and provide training to our suppliers at our Supplier Capability-Building Sessions where we also provide a platform for suppliers to share best practices.
Managing Recruitment
As part of the hiring process, workers are provided with a written employment agreement in their native language. This agreement describes the terms and conditions of employment and workers are free to terminate their employment at any time. Holding employee documents (IDs, passports, work permits etc) is strictly forbidden and workers are not required to pay recruitment fees or other related fees. Managing risks associated with the solicitation of recruitment fees can be quite challenging in that there is always a risk that workers will be charged by third parties unbeknownst to us prior to coming under our care. Many of our workers come to us following referrals from family, where we can be assured no fees were charged. For other workers, we have long established relationships with our recruitment companies and have contractually embedded our requirements for compliance and due diligence checks.
Checking & Verifying Compliance
Ethics Hotline
We have an established Ethics Hotline, which is hosted by a third party service provider and available by phone or web portal. This hotline facility provides employees with a whistle-blowing mechanism to confidentially report any identified risks or malpractices. Any reports to the hotline are investigated and managed by the Internal Audit function. We have policies in

DocuSign Envelope ID: 57A35282-F167-489D-93E1-862E45CE5668

place to prevent retaliatory action against those who make a good faith report.
Factory Auditing
As an RBA member, our manufacturing operations are subject to third party audits as part of the RBA-endorsed Validated
Audit Process (VAP) to independently assess our compliance with the RBA Code, including requirements relevant to

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