Cs623 1 2203us Dropbox Case Study Final

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Case Study

Seagate areal density enhancements produce TCO savings and other benefits.

Conclusion: Real Mass-Capacity Benefits
Dropbox moved Seagate® mass-capacity shingled magnetic recording (SMR) technology out of testing and into production in the fourth quarter of 2021. As of early
January 2022, Dropbox had Seagate SMR drives running with live customer data and were already realizing the following key benefits from the transition:
" TCO savings. Mass-capacity SMR drives deliver lower cost per gigabyte, both at the drive and rack levels.
" Energy efficiency. Higher storage density translates into less storage infrastructure and fewer deployed racks pulling energy from the grid.
" Better roadmap positioning. With SMR qualification done, Dropbox can more readily pass higher-capacity
Seagate drives through testing and into production.

" Innovation Benefits. We can apply SMR development methods to new technology, including Seagate's
HAMR, which enables higher in-track areal density.
These benefits directly contribute to Dropbox's ability to provide more value to users, which in turn helps drive subscription conversions. Customers see the value of exceptional capacity, security, and service resiliency. As
Seagate's and Dropbox's shared roadmaps lead to a future filled with 30TB and 50TB drives, these benefits will only magnify.
It's critical to have the right partners with the right products,  says Dropbox's Ali Zafar.





Their Story

Meeting the Demand for Growing Capacity
Data volumes are growing even faster than predicted.
According to revised guidance from IDC, worldwide storage capacity will compound by nearly 20% annually through
2025. IDC notes that storing more data is crucial for digital

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