Exos Corvault Autoconfigwithquantastor V2

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Auto-Configuration with QuantaStor
Self-Healing, High-Density Data Storage
As hard drives expand with HAMR technology to 30TB, 50TB, and beyond, they create new challenges for storage systems due to longer rebuild times with increased capacity. To address these challenges, Seagate developed Exos® CORVAULT!" to enable the recovery of a system to full health after a drive failure within minutes or hours, unlike traditional RAID which takes days. Seagate also continues developing new technologies like ADR that repair and put failed drives back into service without media replacement reducing maintenance labor costs and providing environmental benefits.

The Seagate + QuantaStor Advantage
Seagate Exos® CORVAULT!" systems provide a bedrock of reliable SAS attached block storage. Exos®
CORVAULT!" is a high-performing, efficient, durable multi-petabyte capacity block storage system that is self-healing and brings five-nines availability to scale out storage for data center deployments. CORVAULT
breakthrough technologies provide hyperscale efficiencies, rapid deployment, and automatic hard drive renewal for less e-waste and operational costs.
Turning that SAS attached block storage into NAS, SAN, and S3-compatible object storage, Seagate combines the OSNexus® QuantaStor!" platform with Seagate AP servers to deliver storage solutions with unique storage grid technology. Seagate and QuantaStor benefit highlights include:

Unified Protocols - Delivers file (NFS/SMB), block (iSCSI/NVMeoF), and object storage (S3) in a unified storage platform.


Unified Architecture - Scale-up (2 node) and scale-out (4+ nodes) storage architectures in one platform to cover a broad spectrum of workloads.


CORVAULT!" Integrated - Directly add CORVAULT!" systems into the QuantaStor storage grids for unified and distributed management of CORVAULT!" systems used within QuantaStor storage clusters.


Cloud Integrated - Supports NAS Gateway and NAS-to-Object backup policies for auto-tiering to Seagate Lyve Cloud.


Advanced Security - Extensive security features include Active Directory integration, SSO,
end-to-end encryption, patented RBAC system, MFA/2FA, and FIPS 140-2 certification.


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