SC704 1 2102US Lyve Mobile Family Flyer Revised

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Lyve Mobile + Data Transfer Services

Move and Activate
Mass Data On
Your Terms

Lyve!" Mobile from Seagate® is a high-capacity edge storage solution that enables businesses to aggregate, store, move, and activate their data. Scalable, modular, and vendor-agnostic, this integrated solution bundle eliminates network dependencies so you can transfer mass-capacity data sets in a fast, secure, and efficient manner. Pay only for the devices you need, when you need them,
and forget about technology upgrades and maintenance fees.

Best-Fit Applications
" Temporary or permanent edge storage
" Mobile transportation of large data applications
" Large lift-and-shift data migration projects
" Storage, backup, archive, cloud, and multicloud
" Disaster recovery and data redundancy transfer projects
" Fast ingestion of mass data to data centers and cloud

Lyve Mobile Benefits
" Plug-and-play simplicity
" Fast and secure mass data movement
" Accelerated time to business insights
" Scalable, modular, and flexible devices
" Flexible and efficient subscription model


Lyve Mobile
Storage on Demand

Asset Return,
Erasure, &

The right-sized approach to any data transfer.
Lyve Data Transfer Services put you in control of how and when you move mass data with Lyve Mobile systems delivered as a service. Choose between two service plan options: the Annual Plan, a 12-month term that includes expanded subscription services and 8%
monthly savings, or the Project Plan, a month-to-month evergreen subscription for project-based flexibility.

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