240410 Philips Investor Presentation

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Investor presentation
April 29, 2024

Important information
Forward-looking statements and other important information
This document and the related oral presentation, including responses to questions following the presentation, contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of
Philips and certain of the plans and objectives of Philips with respect to these items. Examples of forward-looking statements include statements made about our strategy, estimates of sales growth, future Adjusted EBITA *), future restructuring and acquisition related charges and other costs, future developments in Philips' organic business and the completion of acquisitions and divestments. Forward-looking statements can be identified generally as those containing words such as anticipates , assumes , believes , estimates , expects , should , will , will likely result , forecast , outlook , projects , may  or similar expressions. By their nature, these statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances and there are many factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these statements.
These factors include but are not limited to: Philips' ability to gain leadership in health informatics in response to developments in the health technology industry; Philips' ability to keep pace with the changing health technology environment; macroeconomic and geopolitical changes; integration of acquisitions and their delivery on business plans and value creation expectations; securing and maintaining Philips' intellectual property rights, and unauthorized use of third-party intellectual property rights; Philips' ability to meet expectations with respect to ESG-related matters; failure of products and services to meet quality or security standards, adversely affecting patient safety and customer operations; breaches of cybersecurity; challenges in simplifying our organization and our ways of working; the resilience of our supply chain; attracting and retaining personnel; challenges in driving operational excellence and speed in bringing innovations to market; compliance with regulations and standards including quality, product safety and (cyber) security; compliance with business conduct rules and regulations including privacy and upcoming ESG disclosure and due diligence requirements; treasury and financing risks; tax risks; reliability of internal controls, financial reporting and management process; global inflation. As a result, Philips' actual future results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in such forward-looking statements. For a discussion of factors that could cause future results to differ from such forward-looking statements, see also the Risk management chapter included in the
Annual Report 2023.
Third-party market share data
Statements regarding market share, contained in this document, including those regarding Philips' competitive position, are based on outside sources such as specialized research institutes, industry and dealer panels in combination with management estimates. Where information is not yet available to Philips, market share statements may also be based on estimates and projections prepared by management and/or based on outside sources of information.
Management's estimates of rankings are based on order intake or sales, depending on the business.
Market Abuse Regulation
This slide deck contains inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.
Use of non-IFRS Information
In presenting and discussing the Philips Group's financial position, operating results and cash flows, management uses certain non-IFRS financial measures. These non-IFRS financial measures should not be viewed in isolation as alternatives to the equivalent IFRS measure and should be used in conjunction with the most directly comparable IFRS measures. Non-IFRS financial measures do not have standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. A reconciliation of these non-IFRS measures to the most directly comparable IFRS measures is contained in this document. Further information on non-IFRS measures can be found in the Annual Report 2022.
* Non-IFRS financial measure. Refer to reconciliation of non-IFRS information


© Koninklijke Philips N.V.

Company overview
Creating value with sustainable impact
Path to value creation

© Koninklijke Philips N.V.

It is our purpose to improve people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation


© Koninklijke Philips N.V.

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