Htc Csr Report 2012 Eng

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Here's To Commitment

HTC 2012
Corporate Social Responsibility Report

HTC CSR Highlight
ONE and only international Smartphone brand enterprise




5.4% of revenue invested in innovation and R&D


More than

5,300 employees hired in Taiwan. Named as one of the
Top-10 constituents of the TWSE RA Taiwan Employment Creation
99 Index

100% recyclable packaging material




Headquarters building rated as


English learning resources for employees of


Handicapped employees exceed the mandatory


Salary for newly hired student workers NT$
after one year of service NT$

Les promotions

Htc Csr Report 2012 Eng
Htc Csr Report 2012 Eng
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2012 HTC CSR REPORT Here's To Commitment HTC 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 HTC CSR Highlight ONE and only international Smartphone brand enterprise 1 Taiwan's 2 5.4% of revenue invested in innovation and R&D 3 More than 5,300 employees hired in Taiwan. Named as one of the Top-10 constituents of the TWSE RA Taiwan Employment Creation 99 Index 100% recyclable packaging material 4 Uses 5 Headquarters building rated as 6 English learning resources for employees of 7 Handicapped...

Htc Csr Report 2013 Eng
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2013 HTC CSR REPORT Power To Give Hi, we're HTC. HTC Corporation HTC 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2013 HTC CSR Highlight 1 1 The only international smartphone brand from Taiwan 2 R&D expenses accounted for 3 HTC One  The best smartphone worldwide 4 Packing materials are 5 TPE1 building received USA 6 4,969 hours of English learning resources 7 92.54% of our suppliers replied Conflict Mineral Reporting Template 8 Power To Give  A smartphone...

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