Approval Of Corporate Officers Compensation Policies For 2023

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Approval of corporate officers' compensation policies for 2023
by the Combined Shareholders' Meeting held on May 24, 2023
Pursuant to Article R. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code, shareholders are informed that the
Combined Shareholders' Meeting of the Company held on May 24, 2023 approved:

the compensation policy for the Directors for 2023 (fourteenth resolution) by 99.87%;


the compensation policy for the Chairman of the Board of Directors for 2023 (fifteenth resolution)
by 99.85%;


the compensation policy for the Chief Executive Officer for 2023 (sixteenth resolution) by 96.02%.

The compensation policies set out above are detailed in the 2022 Universal Registration Document,
Chapter 3 « Corporate Governance », section 3.3.1 « Compensation policies for corporate officers »,
pages 174 to 182.
The 2022 Universal Registration Document is available by clicking on the link below:

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