E 213 E

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

m MCS topology in preamplifier and power amplifier sections m Parallel push-pull output stage delivers high quality power 90 watts
× 2 into 8 ohms m Current feedback principle in power amplifier combines superb sound with total operation stability m Logic-control relays permit straight and short signal paths m Option board slot provides capability for digital signal input and analog record playback

Featuring further improved MCS topology in preamplifier and power amplifier sections  Enjoy total sonic realism emerging from a background of utter silence. Wide-band power transistors in parallel push-pull configuration,
working in conjunction with the rugged power supply deliver plenty of quality power: 115 watts per channel into 4 ohms or 90 watts into 8 ohms. Option board slot can be used to implement digital signal input for even better CD
reproduction or analog record playback with impeccable quality.
The integrated amplifier series E-200 enjoys an enviable reputation, both in Japan and abroad. The
E-213 embodies the sophisticated design concept of this series while featuring latest circuit topology and top quality materials. This results in further improved sound from an integrated amplifier that excels in all aspects. It brings out the inherent qualities of the source with total fidelity. Embark on a journey of musical discovery and discover the sheer beauty of sound.
An integrated amplifier offers various advantages such as convenient operation and modest space requirements. However, because its overall gain is very high, even the slightest interference or crosstalk at the input can have a considerable effect on the sonic result. To preclude this possibility, the E-213
is designed to achieve total electrical and structural separation of the preamplifier and power amplifier sections. These two parts operate as if they were entirely separate components, which significantly enhances the purity of sound. An EXT PRE switch and dedicated inputs even allow independent use of the power amplifier section.
Both the preamplifier and power amplifier use the proprietary MCS (Multiple Circuit Summing)
principle developed by Accuphase, which significantly improves S/N ratio and other vital parameters. In addition, the power amplifier section incorporates the highly acclaimed current feedback topology from Accuphase. This ensures excellent phase characteristics in the high frequency range,
combining total operation stability with outstanding frequency response.
The power amplifier output stage adopts a parallel push-pull configuration of multi-emitter power transistors designed for high-power audio

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