Dp 800 E

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Pure Audio Enters a New Realm . . .
Separate Type SA-CD/CD Player Combo
DP-800/DC-801 Redefines the Genre
The DP-800/DC-801 SA-CD/CD player enters the field as the designated successor to the DP-100/DC-101 model pair. The DP-800 is the transport, featuring a newly developed, ultra-massive SA-CD/CD drive designed for high rigidity and utmost precision. The DC-801 processor boasts a totally new approach to digital signal handling called MDSD,
which enables straight D/A conversion of the DSD signal. Revolu-

tionary Accuphase technology paired with our famous dedication to sonic excellence finally brings out everything the SA-CD format has to offer. The two components are connected via HS-Link cable, using
Accuphase's exclusive high-quality digital interface HS-Link. Connecting a DG-38 for sound field processing in the digital domain is also possible.

DP-800/DC-801 connection m Digital-only SA-CD/CD transport m High-rigidity, high-precision SA-CD/CD
drive m Digital processor with revolutionary SA-CD reproduction technology
MDSD m Accuphase original digital interface: HS-Link m MDS++ D/A converter with eight DACs driven in parallel m Ultra Jitter-Free +  PLL circuit m Direct
Balanced Filter  with totally separate balanced and unbalanced signal paths

Digital recording/playback with DC-801

A single HS-Link cable carries both the SA-CD and CD signal.

CD transport or other digital component

A digital recorder can be connected for recording/playback of sources other than SA-CD

Coaxial cable Optical fiber cable

m Connection is possible to any com-

HS-Link cable

ponent with a built-in HS-Link inter:w option board,
face or an HS-Link such as DP-100, DC-101, DC-330,
DP-85, DP-78 etc.

Coaxial cable

Analog output
Audio cable

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