E 450 E

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

m Revolutionary AAVA-II volume control m Parallel push-pull output stage with high-power transistors delivers plenty of quality power m Instrumentation amplifier principle enhances current feedback and MCS+ topology in power amplifier section m Logiccontrol relays for straight and short signal paths m Robust power supply with large toroidal transformer and high filtering capacity

High-class integrated amplifier with 180 watts per channel (8 ohms)  Innovative AAVA-II volume control opens up new musical frontiers. High-power transistors operate in a parallel push-pull arrangement. Power supply with large, highly efficient toroidal transformer and oversized filtering capacitors sustains ample power. Instrumentation amplifier configuration in power amplifier makes optimum use of current feedback design combined with further improved MCS+ topology, resulting in excellent high-range phase characteristics.
The E-450 succeeds the highly popular and successful Accuphase model E-408. It reflects latest research breakthroughs and features the innovative AAVA-II volume control principle. Only top-quality parts are used throughout its sophisticated circuitry. The overall result is an integrated amplifier that brings out even the most delicate nuances in the music with breathtaking immediacy.
The AAVA volume control principle developed by Accuphase totally revolutionizes the way that the listening volume is adjusted. However,
in its initial form, AAVA required a considerable amount of physical space. With AAVA-II,
Accuphase has now taken this principle to the next level, delivering the same peerless performance in a more compact form factor. This was made possible by implementing highly sophisticated surface mount technology while increasing component density and integration and optimizing the layout. With AAVA-II, amplification and volume control are fully integrated.
The use of highly reliable electronic components eliminates mechanical wear and associated problems, allowing the control to function perfectly for many years.
Because an integrated amplifier has very high overall gain, even the slightest interference or crosstalk at the input can have a considerable effect on the signal provided at the output. To preclude this possibility, the E-450 is built with totally separate preamplifier and power amplifier sections. Both electrically and structurally,
these two parts operate completely autonomously. A set of EXT PRE inputs and outputs allows using the preamplifier and power amplifier separately. In terms of performance quality,
the E-450 can hold its own even when compared with stand-alone components.
The power amplifier section is built as an advanced instrumentation amplifier, which enables fully balanced signal transmission throughout. Together with further improved
MCS+ circuit topology and the highly acclaimed current feedback principle, this makes for even better electrical characteristics. In the output stage, high-power transistors designed for audio applications are arranged in a parallel push-pull configuration, greatly improving the capability of the amplifier to drive low impedance loads.

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