Dp 78 E

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

m High-grade playback not only of SA-CDs but also of conventional
CDs m Single lens/twin pickup high-speed access mechanism m Digital processor ready for 2.8224 MHz/1-bit and 192 kHz/24-bit source formats m MDS++ D/A converter achieves minimal distortion and outstanding S/N ratio m Transport section outputs and digital inputs m HS-Link input/output capability via option boards

An SA-CD/CD player of the highest order  Processor section supports highquality formats such as 2.8224 MHz/1-bit and 192 kHz/24-bit. Further improved
MDS++ D/A converter. Transport section features dedicated DSP for digital servo and single lens/twin pickup high-speed access mechanism. Separate construction of transport and processor sections and respective connectors allow independent use. HS-Link input/output boards available as option.
The Accuphase separate type player combo DP-100 and
DC-101 incorporating HS-Link connectivity is recognized both in Japan and overseas as the ultimate setup for
SA-CD playback. It is the standard against which all others have to be measured. And now, the superior technological know-how gained through the development of this combo has found another manifestation in the integrated SA-CD/
CD player DP-78. Incorporating the latest advances in digital technology, the DP-78 is destined to take its place at the top of its class. By concentrating solely on twochannel sources both in the SA-CD and CD format, the
DP-78 lets you fully enjoy the best that orthodox music reproduction has to offer.

SA-CD/CD Transport Section Features and Functions n Digital servo with dedicated DSP assures highly accurate signal pickup for SA-CDs and CDs n Plays also regular CDs with outstanding quality n Single lens/twin pickup mechanism minimizes access time n Support for text data display including disc title and artist name information n Strong, precision-machined chassis with resonance and vibration resistant construction n SA-CD/CD transport output via optional HS-Link Output Board DO2-HS1 (see connection example below)
n High Carbon  cast iron insulator feet with superior damping characteristics further enhance sound quality n Multi-function remote commander
RC-100 supplied as standard equipment

Ever since its introduction in 1999, the SA-CD catalog of hybrid discs has been expanding. With its 2.8224 MHz/
1-bit format, the SA-CD stores four times as much information as a conventional CD at 44.1 kHz/16-bit. This allows it to realize dramatically superior physical performance as manifested by wider frequency response and dynamic range. The DP-78 is equipped to make full use of this impressive potential. It will let you rediscover the deep joy and satisfaction that a truly outstanding musical experience can offer. But the DP-78 not only handles the SA-CD format with impeccable finesse, it will

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