NVIDIA Virtual GPU and Citrix Solution Overview

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The enterprise is transforming. As workflows evolve and become more complex,
businesses need to tackle larger datasets and power the most demanding applications. Even modern productivity applications and the Windows 10 operating system require much higher computer graphics than ever before. IT departments are faced with the challenge of addressing the growing compute and graphics requirements of an enterprise-wide virtual workspace, while satisfying the need for greater workplace mobility, improved security, and lower TCO.
Desktop virtualization untethers users,
enabling amazing mobility and productivity.
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) enhance the VDI experience by offloading tasks from the CPU to provide better performance and user experiences. Without a GPU,
some accelerated graphics and compute workloads simply won t run in a virtualized environment or, at best, will run with a reduced feature set. GPUs also broaden the applicability of your VDI technology to support use cases that weren t previously viable, and enable a cost-effective, scalable infrastructure that lets you expand virtualization to more users.

Citrix XenServer is the first hypervisor to offer virtual GPU support.Together, NVIDIA
and Citrix are continuing to improve the technology and deliver an immersive graphical experience on any application, on any device. End users are empowered with tools to become more productive, and IT is able to cost-effectively scale virtualization to more users and more use cases.

In collaboration with Citrix

NVIDIA and Citrix  |  Solution Overview  |  Dec 2017

CITRIX with NVIDIA Virtual GPU Solutions
NVIDIA Virtual GPU for XenServer

GPU Pass-Through

NVIDIA virtual GPU software runs on NVIDIA®
Tesla® GPUs and is installed in the XenServer host. This software divides the GPU into multiple

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