MSR Quantum applications - Microsoft

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

What Can We Do with a Quantum Computer?
Matthias Troyer  Station Q, ETH Zurich



Classical computers have come a long way

Antikythera mechanism


astronomical positions


(100 BC)
Kelvin s harmonic analyzer prediction of tides

Difference Engine

Is there anything that we cannot solve on future supercomputers?

Titan, ORNL
Matthias Troyer




How long will Moore s law continue?

Do we see signs of the end of Moore s law?
Can we go below 7nm feature size?
Can we use more than 3 million cores?
Can we fight the recent exponential increase in power consumption?

Matthias Troyer


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MSR Quantum applications - Microsoft
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( What Can We Do with a Quantum Computer? ( Matthias Troyer  Station Q, ETH Zurich | 1 Classical computers have come a long way Antikythera mechanism ENIAC astronomical positions (1946) (100 BC) Kelvin s harmonic analyzer prediction of tides (1878) Difference Engine (1822) Is there anything that we cannot solve on future supercomputers? Titan, ORNL (2013) Matthias Troyer | | 2 How long will Moore s law continue? Do we see signs of the end of Moore s law? Can we go below 7nm...

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