Wireless-G - Linksys

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc.

Package Contents
" Wireless-G USB Network Adapter
" USB Cable
" CD-ROM with User Guide
" Quick Installation


USB Network Adapter




Quick Installation for Windows 2000


Install the Adapter s Software

NOTE: This Quick Installation is for Windows 2000 operating system.s only.
The Setup Wizard installs the WLAN Monitor and driver, and also configures the
Insert the Setup Wizard CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The Setup Wizard should run automatically, and the Welcome screen should appear. If it does not, click the Start button and choose
Run. In the field that appears, enter
D:setup.exe (if D  is the letter of your
CD-ROM drive).




To install the Adapter, click the
Install button on the Welcome screen.
After reading the License

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