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WingMan Formula Force GP


Quick Start Guide

Feel the force, speed, and thrills of racecar driving.
WingMan® Formula!" Force GP offers:
" Force feedback technology that lets you feel the road, bumps,
walls, and crashes
" Full-size, 10-inch racing wheel
" Rubber hand grips for comfort and control

7. Gas and brake pedals


9. Textured floorboard

8. Weighted pedals base

Wheel-mounted shifters for fast gear changes
Four programmable buttons located for easy access while driving
Realistic gas and brake pedals
Dual clamping system that holds the wheel base tight
Weighted pedals base, which prevents slippage
USB only connection

5. Four programmable buttons
1. Full-size, 10-inch racing wheel

2. Rubber hand grips

Long periods of repetitive motions using an improperly set-up workspace,
incorrect body position, and poor work habits may be associated with physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons, and muscles.
If you feel pain, numbness, weakness, swelling, burning, cramping,
or stiffness in your hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, or back,
see a qualified health professional.
For more information, please refer to the Comfort Guidelines

Les promotions

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