Getting started with Premiére utilisation Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

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Getting started with Premiére utilisation Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

for iPad 2

Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

Getting started with Premiére utilisation Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

for iPad 2


Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

English Français 4 10 Español Português 16 22 31


Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

Setup and turn on
1. Insert iPad 2 2. Open the keyboard

Slide your iPad 2 into the tray. Make sure that the connector port is aligned with the connector opening on the tray. Push the iPad into place. The "Click" lets you know that the iPad is securely attached. Press the release button and lift the iPad tray to expand the keyboard. The keyboard turns on when it is fully open.


Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

Pairing the Fold-Up Keyboard
The Bluetooth Fold-Up Keyboard should only need to pair to your iPad 2 once. 1. On the open keyboard, press the CONNECT button. The Bluetooth status light blinks. The keyboard is "discoverable" for three minutes, or until it is paired with the iPad 2. 2. On the iPad 2, select: Settings > General > Bluetooth > On. 3. Select "Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard (IPD)" from the iPad 2 list of available devices. The iPad 2 displays a code. 4. Type the code on the keyboard and press Enter. The Fold-Up Keyboard is paired to the iPad 2. Charging LED · Solid green glow while charging; turns off when fully charged. · Blinks red when battery status drops below 5%, or less than one hour. LED continues to blink until battery is completely dead and the unit turns off.

LED Indicators
Bluetooth LED · PairingBlinks while discoverable, or until paired. · Power ONSolid glow for the first six seconds after power on.

English5 5

Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

Function keys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The Fold-Up Keyboard is designed with special function keys (F-key) for more control of your iPad 2. To use the enhanced functions, press and hold the fn key followed by an F-key. 1. HomeReturns you to the iPad 2 home screen 2. SearchBrings up the iPad 2 search screen 3. SlideshowStarts playing slideshow of saved pictures 4. Virtual keyboardAllows you to hide or show iPad 2 onscreen keyboard

5. Previous trackSkips to previous track on current playlist 6. Play/PauseStarts or stops current playlist 7. Next trackSkips to next track on current playlist 8. MuteMutes audio on iPad 2 9. Volume downDecreases volume on iPad 2 10. Volume upIncreases volume on iPad 2 11. LockMakes the iPad 2 screen go dark and come back when pressed again


Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard

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