Getting started with Logitech® Optical Gaming Mouse G400

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Getting started with Logitech® Optical Gaming Mouse G400

Logitech® Optical Gaming Mouse G400

English Deutsch Français Español Nederlands Italiano Svenska Dansk Norsk Suomi Português Türkçe
Setup, 4 Einrichtung, 4 Configuration, 4 Instalación, 4 Installatie, 4 Installazione, 4 Installation, 4 Konfiguration, 4 Oppsett, 4 Asennus, 4 Configuração, 4 , 4 Kurulum, 4 Features, tips and troubleshooting, 6 Funktionen, Tipps und Fehlerbehebung, 8 Fonctionnalités, conseils et dépannage, 10 Funciones, sugerencias y resolución de problemas, 12 Functies, tips en probleemoplossing, 14 Caratteristiche, suggerimenti e risoluzione dei problemi, 16 Funktioner, tips och felsökning, 18 Funktioner, tip og problemløsning, 20 Funksjoner, tips og feilsøking, 22 Ominaisuudet, vinkit ja vianetsintä, 24 Características, sugestões e resolução de problemas, 26 , , 28 Özellikler, ipuçlari ve sorun giderme, 30




Logitech® Optical Gaming Mouse G400

Getting started with ith Logitech®dOptical te w n 5 g star io Gaming Mouse G400 M18 Gettinière utilisatless Mouse Prem ch® Wire Logite


Logitech® Optical Gaming Mouse G400




Getting started with


In-play sensitivity switching
The G400 mouse has an out-of-box access to four levels of tracking sensitivity: 3600 dpi, 1800 dpi, 800 dpi, and 400 dpi. 800 dpi is the default setting. Download ( and use the Logitech® Gaming Software to choose up to four personalized sensitivity levels between 400 dpi and 3600 dpi.

1 3 2 4
1. In-game dpi increase. Press button to increase dpi of tracking sensitivity. 2. In-game dpi decrease. Press button to decrease dpi of tracking sensitivity. 3. Generic Button 3. The function of this button varies depending upon the application being used, and it can be reprogrammed using the Logitech Gaming Software to perform a variety of functions. 4. Default dpi button: Immediately switches the mouse back to a default tracking sensitivity of 800 dpi. 5. Forward Button. 6. Back Button. Use both buttons with your web browser or with other applications.



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