Getting started with Logitech® Gaming Keyboard G105

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Getting started with
Logitech® Gaming Keyboard G105


Getting started with
Logitech® Gaming Keyboard G105



Customizing your keyboard

Je toetsenbord aanpassen

Klavyenizi özelle_tirme

Create profiles and macros for your Gaming Keyboard G105
with the Logitech® Gaming software. Download the latest release from Logitech by doing the following:
1. Visit

Maak profielen en macro s voor je Gaming Keyboard G105 met de
Logitech®-gamesoftware. Ga als volgt te werk om de nieuwste release van Logitech te downloaden:
1. Ga naar

Logitech® Oyun yaz1l1m1yla Gaming Keyboard G105 klavyeniz için profil ve makro olu_turun. ^u ad1mlar1 izleyerek Logitech ten en son sürümü indirin:
1. adresini ziyaret edin.

2. Choose Downloads, and then follow the on screen prompts.

2. Kies Downloads en volg dan de aanwijzingen op het scherm.

2. Yüklemeler i seçin ve arkas1ndan ekrandaki talimatlar1 izleyin .

Personnalisation de votre clavier

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