Data Sheet: Quadro M5000 - Servodata

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Get real interactive expression with
NVIDIA® Quadro® the world s most powerful workstation graphics.
The NVIDIA Quadro M5000, accelerated by NVIDIA s
Maxwell!" GPU architecture, delivers incredible performance within just 150W to let you unleash your creativity and conquer extreme workloads with ease. 8
GB of GDDR5 GPU memory with fast bandwidth allows you to create and render large, complex models and compute massive datasets with ECC support for added reliability. Plus, there s a new display engine that drives up to four 4K resolution displays natively for ultra-high resolutions like 4096x2160 @ 60 Hz with 30-bit color.
Pair up two or more outputs to drive displays greater than 4K, and take advantage of NVIDIA Quadro Sync support to frame-lock multiple displays together1.

>> Four DisplayPort 1.2 Connectors
>> DisplayPort with Audio
>> VGA Support2
>> 3D Stereo Support2
>> NVIDIA GPUDirect!" Support
>> Quadro Sync Compatibility
>> Stereo Connector
>> NVIDIA nView® Desktop
Management Software
>> HDCP Support
>> NVIDIA Mosaic3

Quadro cards are certified with a broad range of sophisticated professional applications, tested by leading workstation manufacturers, and backed by a global team of support specialists. This gives you the peace of mind to focus on doing your best work. Whether you re developing revolutionary products or telling spectacularly vivid visual stories, Quadro gives you the performance to do it brilliantly.

GPU Memory

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