LMD-2110W Brochure - Sony

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Professional LCD Monitor
The LMD-2110W is a 21.5-inch* full HD-resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels) multi-format professional LCD monitor. A cost-effective entry-level professional monitor, it incorporates high-purity colour filters and a 10-bit digital signal processing engine to deliver stunning colour reproduction and natural grey scale. In addition to conventional analogue SD input interfaces, the LMD-2110W is equipped with an HDMI interface as standard, and is ideal for a wide range of professional high-definition applications, such as entry-level nonlinear editing, studio source monitoring, surveillance, and various other simple picture monitoring tasks.
* 547-mm viewing area, measured diagonally.

High Picture Performance
Full HD-resolution (1920 x 1080) LCD panel
The 21.5-inch full HD-resolution LCD panel reproduces lifelike images.

High-purity Colour Filters
The LMD-2110W monitor provides high-brightness, highcontrast images thanks to its wide aperture LCD panel. In addition, the use of precisely manufactured RGB colour filters allows this monitor to reproduce colours with stunning depth and saturation ­ creating highly natural images. High-purity colour image

109% Peak White and 10-bit Signal Processing
Incorporating high-purity RGB colour filters and a 10-bit signal processing engine, the LMD-2110W monitor offers stunning 109% peak white reproduction without clipping and a smooth grey scale along CRT-like gamma. Grey-scale image

Brightness Signal level


109% peak-white

Minimized Picture Delay
Picture delay can be minimized for audio synchronization. Selecting LINE DOUBLER in I/P mode, the signal processing (I/P conversion) period is less than one field (0.5 frames).

8-bit (256-level) image

10-bit (1024-level) image

Input Versatility
The LMD-2110W is equipped with a full range of analogue SD inputs including analogue composite NTSC/PAL, Y/C (S-Video), 525i/625i component, and RGB. This monitor can also handle SD-SDI input using an optional BKM-320D SD-SDI input adaptor. Furthermore, it offers an HD signal input capability via the HDMI and analogue component interface.

· Marker function (Center, 16:9, 4:3) · Scan setting (Normal (0%), Over (5%), Full scan) · Colour temperature and gamma mode selection · Aspect setting · External parallel remote control

Operational Convenience

Mounting Flexibility
· VESA mounting (100 x 100 mm) · EIA-standard 19-inch rack mountable with an optional MB-529 rack-mount bracket

LMD-2110W Picture Performance Type Resolution Effective picture size (H x W) (diagonal) Aspect Colours Viewing angle Input Composite Y/C a-Si TFT Active Matrix LCD 1920 x 1080 pixels 477 x 268 mm (18 7/8 x 10 5/8 inches), 547 mm (21 5/8 inches) 16:9 Approx. 16.7 million colours 170°/160° (typical) (horizontal/vertical contrast>10:1) BNC (x1), 1.0 Vp-p ±3dB sync negative Mini DIN 4-pin (x1) Y: 1.0 Vp-p ±3dB sync negative, C: 0.286 Vp-p ±3dB (NTSC burst signal level), 0.3 Vp-p ±3dB (PAL burst signal level) BNC (x3) RGB : 0.7 Vp-p ±3dB (sync on green, 0.3 Vp-p sync negative) Component : 0.7 Vp-p ±3dB (75% chrominance standard colour bar signal) HDMI (x1) Phono jack (x2), ­5 dBu 47 kilohms or higher OPTION AUDIO IN: Phono jack (x1), ­5 dBu 47 kilohms or higher BNC (x1), 0.3 Vp-p to 4 Vp-p negative polarity binary D-sub 9-pin (x1), female Modular connector 8-pin (x1) (pin-assignable) BNC (x1), loop-through, with 75 ohms automatic termination Mini DIN 4-pin (x1) loop-through, with 75 ohms automatic termination BNC (x3), loop-through, with 75 ohms automatic termination BNC (x1), loop-through, with 75 ohms automatic termination Phono jack (x2), loop-through 0.5 W (mono)

515 (203/8) 192.9 (75/8) 162.1 (61/2) 238.2 (91/2)

Unit: mm (inches)
75.2(3) 86.3(31/2)

RGB, Component

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