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Sony PuD Product Bulletin

Public Displays

PuD-PB08 29th Nov 2006 BKM-FW50 with Apache Server Freeware

Apache Server Freeware 2.2.3 Modification for usage with BKM-FW50
Background: The Digital Signage Board BKM-FW50 has the functionality to Stream & Download contents from a Web HTTP server, apart from playing out from its internal Compact Flash card. The BKM-FW50 is compatible with Apache and IIS (Internet Information server by Microsoft). Apache is a widely known and used HTTP server freeware, however since it is a freeware and out of sony's control, its frequent update may change the setting the BKM-FW50 was supposed to use. Purpose: The latest Apache version 2.2.3 does not support "FANCY INDEX" function by default, which is required for the BKM-FW50 to view the contents on the Apache server. However by modifying two text lines of the configuration file it can reactivate the "FANCY INDEX" function. How to modify: < Install Apache 2.2.3> Apache Software Foundation On the left side menu bar, select "HTTP Server" The latest version that can be downloaded is Apache 2.2.3 (as of Nov 2006) Download and install the following Win32 Binary (MSI Installer): apache_2.2.3-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi [PGP] [MD5] The Typical setting is fine. Once apache is installed and played, exit the program in order to make following amendments. The following 2 configuration file needs to be modified in order to correctly display the content files in the BKM-FW50 Web GUI. 1. Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf Search the following text line, and delete the "#" in front of the text. #Include conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf Include conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf Save, and Close


Public Displays

2. Apache2.2/conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf Search the following text line and delete the "HTMLTable" part, including one space. IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable VersionSort IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort Save, and Close Now the Index Option in Apache is changed to Fancy Index, which is compatible with BKM-FW50.Contents that are stored under the directory of "Apache2.2.3htdocs" can now be viewed from the BKM-FW50 Web GUI. How do we communicate: The above information will be published on all the relevant external web sites as soon as possible. The service groups will also be informed.


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