XDCAM Station Brochure (883.4 KB) - Sony

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

XDCAM Station

XDS-PD2000 XDS-PD1000 XDS-1000
Professional Media Station

The XDCAM Professional Media Station for a Unique Hybrid Workflow and Wide Range of Multi-tasking Operations.
Since introducing XDCAM Professional Disc products in 2003, Sony has been supporting smooth migration from tape to tapeless with user-friendly file-based operations. To accelerate operational efficiency, Sony introduced the revolutionary XDCAM EX camcorder with SxS memory cards in 2007. Like the XDCAM Professional Disc products, this new camcorder series adopted MPEG2 Long GOP compression technology. Now, to meet a broad variety of customer applications needs, Sony has established a unique hybrid workflow featuring these different media - Professional Disc and SxS card that share the same compression technology. Sony proudly introduces a powerful new XDCAM family member, the XDCAM Professional Media Station (XDCAM Station) providing a "bridge solution" between Professional Disc and SxS card, and featuring large-capacity internal storage (HDD or SSD). By supporting this range of recording media, the XDCAM Station realizes a flexible hybrid workflow and enables high-performance multi-tasking operations. It has the characteristics both of a utility deck, with VTR-like user-interface, and of a high-performance server system in one single unit.

MPEG2 Long, HD422 50Mbps 1920x1080, 1280x720 Full HD

High Picture Quality

Hybrid Media Workflow
Professional Disc, SxS Memory Card, Internal Storage

High Performance Network, Open Standard Protocol

IT Friendly

Multi-Task, Multi-Access, Chase Play, Stream Chase

Server Operation

Product Lineup
Internal Storage


Internal Storage : SSD (0.5 TB) Hybrid Operation of Disc and Memory NLE Direct Access and Multi-tasking Top-end Model with Higher Performance

Internal Storage


Internal Storage : HDD (1 TB) Hybrid Operation of Disc and Memory Long Duration Recording on Internal HDD Cost-effective Multi-Media Model

Internal Storage


Internal Storage : HDD (1 TB) Long Duration Recording on Internal HDD High-speed Back-up Copy from Memory Memory Camcorder Companion

* The XDS-PD1000 and XDS-PD2000 will be available in mid-2011.

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