HXC-100 Brochure (3.2 MB) - Sony

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HD/SD System Camera

Camera Control Unit

Opening a New World of HD Production
Over the years, Sony's standard-definition (SD) and high-definition (HD) production cameras have been widely accepted by a great number of video professionals around the world, due to their excellent picture performance and system versatility. Sony is now proud to introduce the new HXC-100 HD/SD System Camera equipped with newly developed digital triax technology, which allows systems to be configured with conventional triax. The HXC-100 camera supports versatile applications for HD with a high-quality SD output. It uses the latest 14-bit A/D conversion circuit as well as the superb 2/3-inch Power HADTM FX CCDs to bring out high picture quality. Together with the highly compact 1.5 RU HXCU-100 Camera Control Unit and a remote control panel from Sony, the HXC-100 camera offers a fairly simple system. With a variety of beneficial functions packed into the camera, such as its Focus Assist function, the HXC-100 provides genuine user-friendliness.


Excellent Picture Quality
Sophisticated Power HAD FX CCD
The HXC-100 camera is equipped with field-proven 2/3-inch type full-resolution 1920 x 1080 HD Power HAD FX CCDs. Due to Sony's advanced sensor technologies, the CCD imager offers a high sensitivity of F10 for 59.94 Hz and F11 for 50 Hz with high signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) of -55 dB (HD) and -65 dB (NTSC)/ -63 dB (PAL). All of these excellent features capture high-quality pictures in all kinds of demanding shooting environments. In addition to the camera's high performance, a wide range of capturing modes are available including 1080/50i, 1080/59.94i, 720/50P 720/59.94P 576/50i, and 480/59.94i. , ,

High-quality 14-bit A/D Conversion and DSP LSI
The HXC-100 camera incorporates a highperformance 14-bit A/D converter that enables images captured by the high-performance CCDs to be processed with maximum precision. Also, the newly incorporated Auto Lens Aberration Compensation function can optimize lens performance to provide stunning picture quality.

Smart System
Digital Triax Operation
The HXC-100 camera utilizes a very high-quality digital triax system that expands its operability in field applications, as well as for studio production. The HXC-100's digital triax system can be integrated into conventional triax-based infrastructures, enabling an easy upgrade from existing systems. The newly developed digital triax transmission system offers long cable runs of up to 1200 m (3937 feet)* via ø14.5 mm cable between the camera and the CCU.
* The maximum cable length depends on the camera system configuration, lens type, and the number of cable connections.

Simple system configuration - HXCU-100
The HXC-100 camera offers flexible configuration with the highly compact 1.5 RU-size HXCU-100 Camera Control Unit, creating a standardized 19-inch rack system that is ideal for space-limited production areas. Combined with the HXCU-100, the HXC-100 can be configured as a simple studio system. Equipped with the latest Sony-developed digital transmission technology, the HXCU-100 can transmit high-resolution pictures between the camera and CCU, regardless of the cable length. The HXCU-100 features flexible interfaces of selectable inputs/outputs between HD-SDI and SD-SDI. What's more, the optional HKCU-FP1 CCU Front Control Panel is also available. When the front panel of the HXCU-100 is replaced with the HKCU-FP1, a simple remote control system can be configured. Many functions of the camera can be controlled by the control knobs and switches on the HKCU-FP1.

Smart Camera Interfaces
The HXC-100 camera provides a wide range of inputs and outputs via the connector panel such as HD-SDI output, SD-SDI output, VF signal, return signal, and SDI Prompter signal. What's more, an intercom channel (ENG/PROD) is also provided.


HXCU-100 with optional HKCU-FP1


Operating Versatility
Robust Design
In order to survive the stresses of professional use, the main chassis of the HXC-100 is made of a magnesium-alloy casting. This rigid body makes the camera highly durable and helps to protect its lightweight precision components such as the integrated optical and electronics. In addition, the outside cover panel is designed as a dual structure consisting of a main structure and a cover part. Due to this revolutionary structure, the cover can be replaced easily if damaged, thereby protecting the value of your asset.

Focus Assist Functions
For easier focusing through the viewfinder, two types of focus assist functions are newly incorporated to the HXC-100 Series: Viewfinder Detail and Focus Assist Indicator. To intuitively recognize a focusing point, users of the camera can add dedicated image-enhancing edge signals directly to the viewfinder as "Viewfinder Detail". The "Focus Assist Indicator" is a helpful tool for manual focus adjustments as a "focus meter". An indicator is displayed at the bottom or other positions of the viewfinder frame, enabling users to make more accurate and fine focus adjustments.

Optimized Handle Shape for Stable Shooting
The newly designed carrying handle enhances the camera's operability. A protrusion positioned on the front of the handle enables users to hold the camera with added stability while shooting. In addition, the non-slip structure of its lower surface helps users to grasp the handle firmly.

Function-assignable Switches
Magnesium-alloy casting body

Position-adjustable Shoulder Pad

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