Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Additional information (including troubleshooting and service) can be found in the individual chapters of the Instructions for use.
Sort laundry according to care symbols
Do not tumble dry
Suitable for tumble drying
 at low temperatures
Suitable for tumble drying

Preparing laundry

Loading dryer

Selecting programme

Selecting options
(if available)

Sort laundry by:
Material thickness: whenever there is greater load than the dryer can handle,
separate laundry according to weight (e.g. dry towels and thin underwear separately).
Type of material: cotton (linen); synthetic textiles (easy care).
Degree of drying: cupboard dry, iron dry etc.
Do not tumble dry: nylon stockings, delicate embroidery, fabrics with metallic decorations, bulky items such as sleeping bags or pillows.

Check that all fastenings are closed and that pockets are empty.
Please ensure that there are no cigarette lighters in the laundry.
Turn laundry inside out.

Place laundry loosely in the drum to achieve equal drying throughout.
Then close the door.

Select the drying programme required by turning the programme selector knob (for information, refer to programme table).

Select the option required by pressing the corresponding button.
The indicator lamp above the relevant button lights up to confirm your selection.
A fast blinking lamp indicates a wrong selection is made (incompatible options).
Press the button again to cancel the option.

Starting dryer

The drying programme is started by pressing the Start (Pause)  button.
The relevant indicator lamp lights up.
Changing programme selection: If the programme selected is changed during drying, the dryer stops. The Start (Pause)  indicator lamp flashes.
To operate the new programme, press the Start (Pause)  button again.
Interrupting programme: To interrupt a drying cycle, press the Start (Pause) 

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