HDCAM SR Workflow Guide: FilmLight (203.2 KB) - Sony

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HDCAM-SR Workflow Guide

Baselight Baselight systems provide unparalleled color grading performance and functionality for broadcast and commercials post-production. Baselight supports non-linear workflows with file-based images from disk and servers, as well as traditional workflows that source and conform images from video tape. Baselight video-based workflows have been enhanced with extended support for the HDCAM-SRTM VTRs. This support enables the following workflow changes. Capture of 4:2:2 material from the HDCAM-SR VTR can now be achieved at 2x real-time using dual-link HD-SDI video transfer to speed up digitizing. For stereo 3D productions, left and right channel image streams can be captured and stored in a single pass in real-time using duallink HD-SDI video transfer. Similarly for layoff and storage of graded stereo 3D material, Baselight can output to the HDCAM-SR VTR in real-time. Baselight can also exchange media with the HDCAM-SR VTR using network data transfer, and can browse HDCAM-SR video tapes over a standard network interface in order to check footage or build lists for ingest. Images can be read over the same network interface and stored as DPX frame sequences directly on the Baselight system, without the need for a video connection. Similarly a DPX sequence from Baselight can be written directly to an HDCAM-SR tape as video images over a network connection. Baselight also takes advantage of the HDCAM-SR data mode to allow a full project archive to be written to a persistent tape medium over a network connection. In data mode, images and metadata are stored in a lossless format to produce a re-locatable project archive for interchange between systems/facilities and for long-term backup purposes. The Baselight archive transfer takes place over a standard 1GB Ethernet connection.

Baselight 4.3 Supported Workflow Double-speed transfer Stereoscopic 3D DATA mode (Project archive)
Baselight/HDCAM-SR specific features l Double-speed ingest to Baselight: dual-link HD 4:2:2. l Stereo 3D ingest and playout from Baselight: dual-link HD 4:2:2. l Network browse, read and write of DPX sequences: 1GB Ethernet. l Baselight project archive and restore to HDCAM-SR data tape: 1GB Ethernet.

Applicable HDCAM-SR VTR SRW-5800 with HKSR-5803HQ SRW-5100 with HKSR-5103 SRW-5800 with HKSR-5803HQ/5804

HDCAM-SR Workflow Guide

To perform a stereo ingest from tape:
1. Create a Baselight Setup for stereo video I/O. To do this: a. Open the Baselight Setups editor. b. Select an existing video setup and duplicate it. c. Click `Show Editor' >> and make sure that the `Centaurus Video I/O' tab is selected. d. In the `Video Mode' section, select `YUV/4:2:2 Dual' from the `I/O Format' list. e. Enable the `Stereo' tick box. f. Click `Save' and exit the Setups editor.

2. Set up the stereo ingest in the Machine Control View. To do this: a. Open the Machine Control View. b. Select the appropriate tape deck from the `Machine' list. c. Select the new stereo video I/O setup (created in the previous step) from the `Setup' list. d. Select the `Ingest' tab and select `Frame Range' from the `Ingest' list. e. Add a `Trackname' element to the ingest template by selecting `Trackname' from the + list to the right of the `Template' field. f. Set `Ingest Video' to `Yes'. The Machine Control View displays the two paths in which the captured frames will be stored. g. To start the ingest, click `Start Ingest'.

Contact FilmLight
14-15 Manette St London, W1D 4AP UNITED KINGDOM Phone Fax Website e-mail +44 (0)20 7292 0400 +44 (0)20 7292 0401 www.filmlight.ltd.uk info@filmlight.ltd.uk

©2009 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.


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