Download the MK270 Data Sheet - Logitech

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Wireless productivity

for the busiest offices

Wireless Combo MK270
The Logitech Wireless Combo MK270 delivers fast and reliable keyboard and mouse connectivity of up to
10 meters with Logitech Advanced 2.4 GHz wireless, even in the busiest environments. The mouse features the Logitech Unifying receiver for plug-and-play productivity anywhere and the long battery life reduces support requirements and costs.
"  ogitech Advanced 2.4 GHz wireless connectivity
with 10-meter/32-feet range1

" Keyboard shortcuts

"  ogitech Unifying receiver and internal storage
compartment in mouse

" Contoured mouse design with laser tracking

"  4-month keyboard and 12-month mouse battery
life2 plus auto-sleep

" Feel-good typing
" Plug-and-play simplicity

Tools Designed for the Anywhere Workplace


Logitech Wireless Combo MK270

Product Specifications
Price: .99
Part #: 920-004536

Width: 17.6 in (441.5 mm)
Height: 0.9 in (22.9 mm)
Depth: 5.9 in (149.1 mm)
Weight: 17.2 ounces (487.6 g)

Width: 4.2 in (106.9 mm)
Height: 1.6 in (39.6 mm)
Depth: 2.4 in (60.2 mm)
Weight: 2.4 ounces (68.9 g)

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