English Choose an ear cushion size ???? ... - Logitech

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Choose an ear cushion size

Getting started with
Logitech® UE 600vm
Noise-Isolating Earphones + Mic


Logitech® UE 600vm
QwYVj—ómˆ–dRŸ€ýv„€3g: + ž¦QK˜Î

Foam Tips

Getting started with
Logitech® UE 600vm
Noise-Isolating Earphones + Mic

1. Choose an ear cushion size from double-extra small (XXS) to large (L).
2. Or choose a Comply!" Foam Tip.
3. Selecting the right cushion provides a comfortable fit and good sound quality.

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Logitech® UE 600vm
QwYVj—ómˆ–dRŸ€ýv„€3g: + ž¦QK˜Î


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