Logitech P/N 732315-0000 Rev. A

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Issued Under the Authority of the
Federal Communications Commission
Date of Grant: 04/04/2001

Intertek Testing Services
33933 US Route 11
Cortland,NY 13045

Application Dated: 04/04/2001

Logitech Inc
6505 Kaiser Drive
Fremont,CA 94555
Attention: Bharat Shah
EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION is hereby issued to the named GRANTEE, and is VALID ONLY for the equipment identified hereon for use under the Commission's Rules and Regulations listed below.
Name of Grantee Logitech Inc
Equipment Class: Part 15 Low Power Communication
Device Transmitter
Grant Notes

FCC Rule Parts

Cordless Mouse
Range (MHZ)




27.045 - 27.195

Logitech P/N 732315-0000 Rev. A

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