Logitech has delivered its latest wireless innovation

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Innovation Brief

Dual Wireless
Rear Speakers
Logitech® Z-5450 Digital

The world s first THX-certified 5.1 Speaker System with dual wireless rear speakers: The Logitech® Z-5450 Digital System.
Setting up a high-performance surround sound 5.1 speaker system can be a nuisance for one major reason: the rear satellite cables. Cables for the three front speakers (left, center and right), along with the subwoofer, can be easily hidden behind an entertainment center or desk. But the cords connecting the two rear speakers can be a tripping hazard if they run across the floor, or they can be unsightly as they wind around the room on the floorboards.
A few home-theater systems have been introduced with wireless rear speakers, but these typically feature an additional component: a wireless receiver for the back of the room, which connects to each of the two rear speakers with more cable  hardly a clutter-free installation.
Logitech, combining its expertise in wireless technology with its leadership in high-performance multimedia speakers, has delivered an original new surround-sound speaker design that solves the unsightly cord problem without adding any additional components. The Logitech Z-5450 Digital speaker system combines this inventive design with cutting-edge wireless technology, so that the speakers meet the performance promise of their award-winning Logitech Z-series family name.

Clutter-Free Rear Satellite Design, Room Layout Flexibility
One of the fundamental benefits of cordless devices is that they reduce clutter, thus freeing up space. Staying true to this principle, Logitech designed two independent rear speakers that are completely self-contained audio systems: Each features everything needed to operate without any speaker cord or being physically connected to a receiver.
To operate independently, each rear satellite includes:
" An integrated 2.4 GHz digital receiver, which recieves wireless transmissions from the Logitech®
Digital SoundTouch!" Control Center.
" A digital decoder to convert the 2.4 GHz signal into audio, which then is reproduced by the speaker.
" A built-in power amplifier and power cord, providing 42 watts of RMS power per speaker.

This design innovation provides people with unmatched flexibility in how they lay out their system, whether it s for a PC
gaming setup in the office or a home-theater system in the living room. The rear speakers are designed to work in a range of up to 8.5 meters (28 feet). Logitech testing showed that in some circumstances, they can connect at distances as great as
100 meters  a much greater range than would ever be needed for a home environment. With this robust wireless technology comes the freedom to place Logitech s rear satellites virtually anywhere in a room  the only thing needed

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