RightLight™ 2 Technology

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Innovation Brief

RightLight!" 2


oday s most popular webcam applications,
such as Skype® with Video and Windows
Live!" Messenger Video Call are empowering friends and family to see and talk to each other from around the world as if they re in the same room.
That benefit, however, is truly realized when a webcam can accurately create high-quality images in a variety of lighting conditions  whether it s in a dark hotel room or in a bright, window-lighted living room.
When lighting isn t perfect, which is often the case,
people on camera can appear silhouetted in shadows or ghostly bright white with very little facial detail.
Enter Logitech® RightLight!" 2 Technology, a system of hardware and software in Logitech s performance webcams that delivers superior image quality  even in these lighting-challenged environments. RightLight 2
Technology intelligently adjusts the webcam s video settings in low-light and uneven lighting, offering a marked improvement in the image quality.

Using RightLight 2:
Auto and Manual Modes
RightLight 2 Technology works in two different ways 
through auto-enabled settings and through manual settings that the user can adjust at any time. The first time a webcam with RightLight 2 Technology encounters a lighting challenge, a dialog box opens reading: Your camera has detected the need for
RightLight Technology. Would you like to apply it? 
People can choose one of three options presented in the box: allow RightLight 2 to automatically make changes any time it encounters a lighting challenge,
apply the technology for only this one instance, or always decline the automatic adjustments. If people choose not to use the automated RightLight settings,
they can open the RightLight Settings window 
located within Logitech s QuickCam software  and manually make adjustments at any time.

Whether used in automated or manual mode, Logitech
RightLight Technology makes improvements to video

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