pg. 1 Logitech for Business Webcam Software - Onedirect

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Logitech for Business Webcam Software
System Administrators Guide

Logitech for Business Webcam Software
System Administrators Guide
June 18 2009
Logitech, Inc.

Copyright/trademark notice
(c) 2009 Logitech Inc. All rights reserved. Logitech, the Logitech logo and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech and may be registered. Microsoft, Windows Vista and Windows are trademarks of
Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This manual is published by Logitech.
Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

pg. 1

Logitech for Business Webcam Software
System Administrators Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Requirements.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
CD Media............................................................................................................................................. 3
Web Install Package............................................................................................................................. 3
Installation Methods ............................................................................................................................... 4
General Instructions ............................................................................................................................ 4
The Logitech for Business Installer ....................................................................................................... 4
Command Line Options ....................................................................................................................... 4
Command Line Examples ................................................................................................................. 4
Completion Behavior ....................................................................................................................... 4
Special Consideration ...................................................................................................................... 5
Driver only install............................................................................................................................. 5
LgDrvInst.exe Command Line............................................................................................................... 6
LgDrvInst Completion behavior........................................................................................................ 6
Web Install .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Command Line Options.................................................................................................................... 6
Command Line Examples ................................................................................................................. 6
Completion Behavior ....................................................................................................................... 7
Upgrading ............................................................................................................................................... 7

pg. 2

Logitech for Business Webcam Software
System Administrators Guide

This document describes ways that the Logitech for Business Webcam Software can be deployed and

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