Getting Started Guide (PDF) - Logitech

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Les promotions

MX800 - Logitech
MX800 - Logitech
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Our best wireless keyboard + our top performance mouse = stylish business productivity. The Wireless Performance Combo MX800 The Logitech Wireless Performance Combo MX800 bundles our most advanced enterprise-grade wireless keyboard and mouse into an exceptional high-performance package. Together, the auto-illuminated Wireless Keyboard K800 with whisper-quiet PerfectStroke!" keys and high-precision Darkfield!" laser-tracking Performance Mouse MX deliver the ultimate in typing and navigational speed,...

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2 1 3 PC PC English Plug AC cable into USB connector. Plug AC adapter into outlet. English Español Español Conecte el cable CA al conector USB. Conecte el adaptador CA a la toma de alimentación. Español Français Mettez l ordinateur Français Branchez le cordon d alimentation électrique dans le connecteur USB. Branchez l adaptateur secteur dans la prise électrique. Français Insérez les piles fournies dans la souris. English computer. Turn OFF Apague el ordenador. hors...

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1 Thank you! Danke! 3 2 Merci! 1 Podzikowanie! 5 4 6 7 USB M505 M505 ON O:CT! akujeme! ;03>40@8< 0A! AA Köszönjük! English V mulcumim! Zahvala! Paldies! Podkování! Logitech® Täname!

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