Batteries - Logitech

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



Logitech is committed to meeting the requirements of the European
Union s Battery Directive.

The EU Battery Directive aims to reduce waste arising from used batteries by ensuring that they are safely managed and responsibly disposed of at their end of life.
To ensure all batteries can be recycled they must be easily removed from the products. Logitech has developed an internal Design for
Environment (DfE) guideline document for this purpose. The guideline assists our engineers in understanding design requirements for batteries incorporated into products, to ensure that their designs meet international standards for end of life battery stewardship.
In 2012 Logitech directly financed the collection, recycling and safe disposal of 7.76 million batteries throughout 6 countries in Europe.
Since 2010 we have directly financed the collection, recycling and safe disposal of 24.86 million batteries.
Units of Financed and Recycled Batteries



YEAR 2010



YEAR 2011


YEAR 2012



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